Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Proofreading & Spelling Tips

We all know proofreading is mandatory, but sometimes it's hard when you're reading and you get caught up in the story and totally forget to check spelling or other errors.
Well, here are a few tips to help you solve that problem.

1. Read backwards. When you do this, you won't be worried about the meaning behind the sentences or getting caught up in the story, you'll just read for errors.

2. Zoom in. If you're on your computer, zoom in to 125 - 150 percent so that you're forced to read a little bit at a time rather than skimming through.

3. Read forwards. Once you've read through backwards and fixed all the spelling errors, go ahead and read forwards using the zoom in tip. This way you catch missed words, double typed words, or sound alikes.

Now on to spelling. I hate spelling. Can't do it to save my life.
I always lost the spelling bee in the first round.
"Spell house"
"you are a disgrace to all 10th graders, go sit down."

Okay, so I'm exaggerating. (when don't I?) The point still remains, I'm a terrible speller. One of the biggest issues I struggle with is the i before e rule.
"I before E except after C or when sounding like "ay" as in neighbor or weigh."

We were all taught this is school, yes?
I always remembered "I before E except before C" and that's when my ears stopped hearing what the teacher was saying. So really, I've always spelled everything ie unless it was followed by a c....which was pretty much NEVER.

IE words:
believe, field, relief, chief, niece, yield

EI words: (note, the c comes BEFORE the ei, not after as my brain has convinced me from a very early age.)
ceiling, deceive, receive

ok, ok, you get it.

And yet, there are EXCEPTIONS. Who's cruel idea was this rule?
Now not only do you have to be able to figure out which letter goes where (I let spell check do that for me) but now you also have to learn the exceptions too.

weird, either, leisure, height, sheik, seize. etc.

well, now my brain feels as though it's been attempting math, (never a good outcome) so I'll leave you with these rules and get on with my day.