Saturday, September 15, 2012

For Lack of a Better Title...

Well, hello there.

Long time no see. I know, I know. It's my fault.
I am shamed.

So what's new?
Er, well, a couple things.

ONE: I finally finished editing a draft.

This is big news because usually I write the draft, get bored with it, have 39482304832 other ideas for a new book anyways, and start on the next book draft and never get back to editing the others.
I've officially sent it off to my editor. You remember Friend, right? She's my editor. <- (not a real one. but actually she's just as smart as one.)

TWO: I finally got into Pottermore.

As you can obviously see, I was placed in Ravenclaw.
Which is not surprising really. I couldn't have been placed in any of the other houses.
I'm lazy = no Hufflepuff
I'm a big fat chicken = no Gryffindor
I'm not cunning = no Slytherin 

THREE: I am now the proud owner of seasons 1-5 of the original Saved by the Bell series.

Anyone who doesn't remember watching Saved by the Bell every Saturday morning was born in the wrong decade. Seriously.
Zack >>>>> Zac
I could never throw enough 'greater than' signs in there.

Speaking of the 90's, who remembers Bookits? That PizzaHut thing they did to make kids want to read?

FOUR: Found my bookit pin.

You'd read books and fill out some paper thing and take it to PizzaHut for a free Personal Pan Pizza. That was seriously the cherry on top of the ice cream cone of being a 90's kid. (a REAL 90's kid... not the ones born in 1999 that think they're 90's kids. No offense to you non-90's.)

I don't know why they ever stopped doing that.
Besides the fact that kids would lie about how many books they read and got a free pizza for it.
Way to provide incentive for a lying society, PizzaHut.

^ That's a joke, I love you, PizzaHut.

So anyways. While I have your attention, I'd just like to take this opportunity to point out that Principal Belding has a Kung-Fu certificate on his wall:

I feel like I've lost a majority of my readers with all this nostalgia so goodbye for now.
I'll find something constructive to blog about soon.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hello, September.

What’s the closest thing to you that’s red?
a cup.
Favorite movie ever?
Treasure Planet.
What are you listening to right now?
The Goo Goo Dolls.
Have you ever been in a castle?
Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Ever been on a train?
If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit?
The 50's.
What’s your favorite book?
The Outsiders.
What countries have you been to?
USA, Canada, Iceland, Germany, Turkey, Ireland.
Is anyone in your family in the military?
My dad was, my uncle, my brother, probably more.
Do you know triplets?
I do, actually.
What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
Olive Garden.
Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
Cinderella and Belle.
What is your favorite show on television right now?
Doctor Who.