Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter 7 part 2 Premiere

Harry Potter, the worldwide phenomena, is coming to its final close.
If you know me, you know how much I seriously love this series, both the books and the movies.

I can't watch the movie tonight at midnight.

But I'm going tomorrow.
OH YEAH, just try and stop me.

I'm gonna walk in there like

and if people try and cut in line, I'm gonna be like

And if anyone talks during the movie

and then the movie is gonna start and I'm going to be like

and it's going to show this part

and I'll be like

And it's going to end and I'll be like

And then next morning I'll realize there are never going to be any more Harry Potter books or films and I'll be

and I'll realize I have the books & the movies and be like, why the heck am I not re-reading these right now??

and it'll be all good cause books are forever.

and that goes for books too. Because

Til next time,

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