Sunday, March 23, 2014

Haircuts & Safety Scissors

Hello bloggies.
How are you this fine evening?

I gave myself bangs today! And I did it with safety scissors.
Call me crazy, (I pretty much am) but it actually turned out rather nice.
and you totally can't tell I did it myself.

Here's what it looks like:

And then I went to town and I was afraid that they looked horrible.
But I saw this guy there as I was walking into a store...
he stopped and waited for me to cross the parking lot so he could hold the door open for me.

Which totally makes him a gentleman.
Bonus points for you, mysterious gentleman man.
What a swell guy.

Meaning my hair couldn't have looked too bad.
Otherwise he probably would have done this:

So I don't suppose it looks horrible.
I don't know, what do you think?

**Warning: do not try this at home, kids.
Seriously though, it's probably not a good idea.
It's highly inadvisable.

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