Sunday, April 8, 2012

Overcoming Writer's Block

You have writer's block.
Welcome to the club, we have t-shirts.

Actually, we don't.
Someone make t-shirts for us.

I'm serious, I want a t-shirt.

But anyways, you're stuck. And for some reason you're reading my blog.
So I'm going to help you out.
Because that's what I do for people I like.

Go to it. It's not even really an option.
Except for my blog, probably.

Basically it shows you a new picture of an adorable little kitten every 100 words you write.
What better incentive is there?

PSH, none.

Moving on.
So it was requested by a very dear person that I blog about Korean-American dramas or writing soap operas and suspense and screen-writing.
I am no expert in any of these categories so this is going to be an entirely un-educated guess.

Since I have actually never seen a Korean-American drama, I'm going to try my best to convey what I got out of the only soap opera I've ever watched in my life.
It happened about 16 years ago, so bear with my horrible memory.

The Anatomy of an American Soap Opera:

Girl babbles to friend incoherently at the speed of light for twelve minutes about the boy that said friend is secretly dating behind first girl's back.

and you can expect the same plot in next week's episode.

The one I saw was actually much more traumatic and violent.
I remember the girl found out the friend was dating the recipient of her unrequited love and so she picked up a fire poker and stabbed her in the back.

Voila, backstabbing in its most literal form.

After that I decided soap operas must be horridly stupid and never watched them again.

I've had a couple people hounding me to take my blog to Tumblr instead.
Well, the truth is, I actually have a Tumblr account already. And I see hundreds of cute/cool pictures and I'm like:

So really a Tumblr blog wouldn't be the best thing for me.
But here's my tumblr account anyways:
It has the same URL as my blog pretty much.
Imagine that.

Stay beautiful,

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