Sunday, April 27, 2014

Commas are Friends, and they Sometimes Save People from Being Given Away in Radio Contests.

Grammar Lessons from Radio Stations, episode one:

The other day, a local radio station sent out an e-mail advertising their Christmas contest. They said, and I quote, "fill this out and you could win Deena!"

. . . I'm fairly certain I didn't sign up to be a contest prize, so they should really add a comma to that to avoid any further confusion.

Incorrect: "you could win Deena!"
You can't sell/give away people without their permission. Even with their permission it's generally frowned upon in society. 

Correct: "you could win, Deena!"
yay! I can win prizes because my name is Deena and clearly they are talking to me!

Now that we all understand the importance of grammar, let's move on. 

Has anyone but me heard they are coming out with a new Great Gatsby next year?
I do believe they intend to murder every single classic, one re-make at a time. 
I'm losing my will to live.

OK, just kidding. All I'm losing is my TV watching time, which has now been reduced to an hour a week (gotta watch my Once Upon a Time) for no other reason than lack of anything worth my time. 

I also went ice skating last weekend. #random
I haven't been in a long time. Which is sad, because I love ice skating. 
I don't really know why I told you that, I just felt it needed to be said. 

So really I actually wanted to ask if any of you have ever noticed little kids geeking out about Santa and how he's going to come and leave presents for them but when they see him in the mall they run in screaming terror. 

So after skating, we went to the mall (see, I knew the skate story had a purpose). At the mall, Santa was there and all the little kids wanted to go sit on his lap. 
That's probably not entirely true...
by the sounds of it, it was more like the parents had dragged their poor, Santaphobic children to the mall for last minute pictures. 

These children were horrified. And I don't even know why. Santa looked quite jolly and red enough. What is so scary about a fat, happy man that gives you free presents? Two words for you, children, FREE. PRESENTS. 

Apparently something about him is scary though, because this one little boy was screaming so loud, I actually felt bad for him. Before I had time to feel too bad though, the kid up and took off across the mall like Santa was going to murder him. 

I'm not even kidding, this kid ran. He booked it like the gingerbread man. 

Why are kids afraid of Santa? Someone explain this to me, I would google it, but I got some inappropriate ones the other day so I'm currently afraid of google results. 
Also, it's more interactive this way. 

anyways, goodbye.

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